
Through-wall roof scuppers are used in two circumstances. 

Through-wall roof scuppers are used in two circumstances. The first is for roof drainage where a gutter is ruled out for whatever reasons. The second is a backup system in case roof drains clog to prevent roof water from accumulating excessively and collapsing the roof structure. 

In each case the scupper extends through a parapet to allow roof water to drain either into a conductor head and downspout or simply down the face of the building in the case of overflow scuppers.

Some codes require a secondary roof drain system as backup to the main roof drains. Scuppers may eliminate the need for secondary overflow roof drains. In extremely large roofs, scuppers may not be feasible.

The traditional material for scuppers was copper for its durability. Today it is stainless steel for an equivalent quality without the risk of robbery.


  • This detail is needed to specify the configuration, construction and materials required for the roof scuppers. 

  • Building Codes have an impact on aspects of the work shown here, specifically size and quantity of scuppers.

  • You may want a specification covering the quality and installation aspects of these materials. 

  • These details should be placed on the Exterior Details sheet, the A-500 series of sheets per the National CAD Standards, contrary to the designation shown here.

  • Download PDF of detail.

  • See the Terms of Use for disclaimer.




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